Aari Embroidery Basic Materials

 For starting with aari embroidery, the basic materials needed are

Aari stand and frame

Aari needle

One small scissors

Jari thread

These are some of the basic aari materials that we should have while starting an aari class

Step 1 Fixing cloth on the Frame

Fix the cloth in the aari frame, so that the cloth is fully streched so that when you bang, it should sound like a band( just for fun, so much tight you should apply on the cloth while fixing) 

Step 2 fixing frame on the stand

Tightly fix the frame on the stand and adjust the level of the nuts given in the stand, so that it fixes correctly. 

Step 3 Making our first knot

Take the needle in one hand and in other hand take the jari thread, hold the jari thread in your three finger(like starting from your thumb rotate it towards forefinger and extend it to reach middle finger) now your right hand with needle on the top and left hand with the thread should be under the frame which is on the stand

Now insert the needle into the cloth so that the needle  head should face towards the line of direction. The hand which is having the thread should tie the jari thread in clockwise direction on the needle. 

Slowly pull back the needle so that it comes out with the thread 

Step 4 repeat the same 

Again repeat the same procedure, and now make the next coming thread to get into the previously pulled thread, like this repeat the procedure till the design gets finished



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